
Contributing a lecture to the keynote panel of the gathering on pedagogies of disarmament at TU Braunschweig, September 12,  A gathering about climate and politics, architecture and ethics, acade [more]

Contributing a keynote lecture to the conference: LEARNINGS/UNLEARNINGS: ENVIRONMENTAL PEDAGOGIES, PLAY, POLICIES, AND SPATIAL DESIGN, on September 7, 2024  https://lnkd.in/dnuJ3m9n With Keynote [more]

The social fabric of existence is woven by care. But how is care actually being cared for? And who cares for care, politically, socially, epistemically? How is care understood as knowledge? And how do [more]

The 2023 Architecture Humanities Research Conference, AHRA, is dedicated to: Situated Ecologies of Care. Elke Krasny’s keynote lecture “Living with a wounded planet. On building care” will addre [more]

Urban change throughout the 1980s and 1990s was marked by processes of deindustrialization. Cities, and entire regions, suffered a decline in productive industrial activity. As factories or plants clo [more]

On the heels of their recent collaboration, Architecture for the Future (MIT, 2023), Yasmeen Lari and Elke Krasny will reflect on the many responsibilities of those working within the built environmen [more]

The lecture on Critical Care. Architecture for a Broken Planet will contribute to the panel Arquitectura para la vida colectiva.ProgramRe-Imaginar el Futuro Feminista — Una discusión transdiscipli [more]

Der Maßstab diente der Vermessung des Raums auf dem Planeten Erde. Mittels des Maßstabs wurde der Raum beherrschbar, in unterschiedlichen Größenverhältnissen darstellbar. In ideengeschichtlicher [more]

The lecture Radicalizing Care. Maintenance as Resistance contributed to the Art and Care Study Day at the Cambridge Festival in 2022. My lecture focused on how maintenance can be understood as practic [more]

What can a solidary and needs-oriented living and working together look like from the perspective of care? How do we fight for the Care Revolution? May 12 is International Nurses Day. The lecture Main [more]

Reflections on Urban Curating, Decolonizing Urban Memory  contributed to Heritage Days 2022 in Brussels, to the outdoor lab and co-creation workshop in front of the Pavilion of Human Passions, bu [more]

Vortrag bei einer Konferenz des DIFU Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik in Berlin: Kuratierte Innenstädte. Resssortübergreifende Zusammenarbeit in der kulturellen Stadtentwicklung Inhaltlich ging es [more]

What does it mean to live in an Infected Planet? ​​How one can learn to think care at all scales, from the microbial to the planetary, from the personal to the political? How can we embrace self c [more]

Keynote Lecture at the Symposium, Teaching Artistic Strategies: Playing with Materiality, Aesthetics, and Ambiguity. Transferring Research into Academic Teaching, FNHW Academy of Art and Design, [more]

This workshop contributed to Avtonomi Akadimia run by artist and activist Joulia Strauss and took place in Athens in the Akadimia Platonos, now known as Akadimia Platonos Jungle, in 2022.The global Co [more]

A discussion with Elke Krasny (Vienna), Nicole Six & Paul Petritsch (Vienna), and Mechtild Widrich (Chicago). If monuments are public expressions of what societies care to remember, they also have [more]

This lecture argues that we need to collectively raise awareness for the modern infrastructural condition which affects individual life and the planet as a whole. It situates infrastructure at the cru [more]

Keynote Lecture at the FEINART Summer School How do we learn how to mourn an exhausted planet through artistic practices and collective rituals? How can care and healing be performed in eco-social art [more]

Der Vortrag Architektur als Infrastruktur des Sorgetragens: an einem anderen Architekturverständnis arbeiten war ein Beitrag zu dem Panel Haltung. Die Fragen nach der Haltung in der Architektur wurde [more]

An online debate on Architecture of Radical Care organized and hosted by Narodowy Instytut Architektury i Urbanistyki Dorota Lesniak and Elke Krasny in conversation on complicated, complex, and urgent [more]

Elke Krasny’s lecture thinks about dimensions of care in architecture, opening complex and difficult questions of power, ethics, and futurity. What can we learn from revisiting past solutions to bui [more]

Care is critical to survivable and living with a deeply wounded planet. Architecture is implicated in, responsible for, responsible to, and entangled with producing conditions for continued livability [more]

The lecture Living with a Wounded Planet contributed to the transnational conference Visualizing Care Imaginaries & Infrastructures. Organized in the context of the Revaluing Care Net at Duke Univ [more]

Monumente repräsentieren, wie Gesellschaften Erinnerungen im öffentlichen Raum präsent machen. Der Vortrag ist mit Fragestellungen befasst, die für eine kritische Untersuchung von erinnerungspolit [more]

Scales of Care: Affective Ecologies and Reproductive Urbanism Starting from the observation of care fatigue and environmental exhaustion, take back care focuses on socio-ecological justice. Exhaustion [more]

How can, and will, architects and architecture respond to present-day conditions under neoliberal capitalism based on the resource-extraction and labor-exploitation?  How does response-able archi [more]

The panel Unseen Realities focuses on invisible work and authorship in the everyday life of architectural produc-tion – whose realities, whose histories? We critically question the structures an [more]

Das zweitätige Symposium The Future of Cities. Not for Granted, in der Halle 14 in Leipzig, widmete sich der Endlichkeit der Ressourcen, Spekulation, Digitalisierung und Globalisierung, welche d [more]

Krasny, Elke. ‘A Caring Revolution. Working for Planetary Responsibility.’ In Toward the Not-Yet: Art as Public Practice, edited by Jeanne van Heeswijk, Maria Hlavajova and Rachael Rakes, 213-219, [more]

2021 — The Modern Museum an Anthropocene Institution: On the Birth of Man and the Death of Nature September 23, Flanders Architecture Insitute, Antwerpen The modern cultural institution of the natio [more]

Oslo Architecture Triennale  2 October, 2019, 16:00 – 18:00 ROM for kunst og arkitektur, Maridalsveien 3, Oslo Organiser ROM and Oslo National Academy of the Arts With the general neo [more]

Buchvorstellung mit Elke Krasny 23. September 2019, 20:30 Pro qm – thematische Buchhandlung zu Stadt, Politik, Pop, Ökonomiekritik, Architektur, Design, Kunst & Theorie  Almstadtstra [more]

Elke Krasny und Eva Kuschinski Vorträge und Gespräch, 20.9.2019, 19.00 alpha nova & galerie futura Weibliche Visionen in Kultur Politik und Kunst e.V. Am Flutgraben 3, 12435 Berlin Vor [more]

Erinnerung, Trauma, Widerstand, Veränderung Gegenwärtigkeit, trans­nationale Verflechtungen und Geschichtspolitiken in der Kunstvermittlung Vortrag, 19. September 2019 Akademie der bildenden K [more]

5. Septemer 2019, 17:00–18:30 Haus der Statistik, Otto-Braun-Str. 70, Berlin For this reading session, Urban Gossip host Elke Krasny – cultural theorist, urban researcher, curator, author and prof [more]

New Zealand Institute of Architects APL Design Series NZIA APL Design Series Christchurch Art Gallery Montreal Street Christchurch I will be giving lectures on Critical Care, the research I did on Arc [more]

Liljestrand Foundation, Honolulu, Hawai‘i Design Conversation Series: Brigitte Shim & Elke Krasny present “Building Our Collective Memory – The House / Museum” Thursday, February 14, 2019 [more]

Interiors Buildings Cities — Lecture, 21 December, 2018, 12:45-15:45 Delft University of Technology, Architecture of the Interior, Room C Julianalaan 134, Delft, The Netherl [more]

Shifting Sites: Territories and Space, University of Applied Arts Vienna 9-10 November, 2018 VENUE: Department of Site-Specific Art/Ortsbezogene Kunst Paulusplatz 5, 2nd floor, 1030 Vienna, Austria FR [more]

Lecture at at Feminist Histories, Radical Women, MASP Museu de Arte de Sao Paulo, November 12, 2018 Gathering Feminist Resisters: Assemblies, Dinners, Salons, and Tribunals Curatorial labour can be un [more]

The Hysterical Complex in Feminist Political Thought Lecture by Elke Krasny at  Hysteria, Politics, and Performance Strategies Nov 1. 2018 UCLA, Royce Hall 303  Programm PDF download [more]

Vortrag im Rahmen des ÖGFA_Schwerpunkts Hinter den Bildern | Teil 2: Politisches 22. April 2016 | 19.00 Räume der IG Architektur, Gumpendorfer Straße 63b, 1060 Wien Das folgende Argument ist als [more]

| Seminar: Art, public space and progress | Lecture | Public Art: On Critical Urban Practice | Hordaland Art Centre, Bergen, Norway – 17/09/15 Ines Doujak, Vigil (Mahnwache), Morzinplatz, Vienna [more]

KUNST UND BILDUNG Wiener Vorlesung vom 4. März 2015 Wiener Rathaus, Wappensaal, 1., Lichtenfelsgasse 2, Feststiege II “Auf der Wiener Secession steht: ‘Der Zeit ihre Kunst. Der Kunst ihre Fre [more]

Lecture at the Medialab Prado. 2015, February 2 Esta conferencia y debate se enmarca dentro del seminario público Urbanismo Afectivo que tendrá lugar en Madrid durante los días 3, 4 y 5 de Febrero [more]

Lecture at the International Le Corbusier Seminar 10–13 December 2014, Cyprus International University, Nicosia, Lefkoşa Progamm Research + Reflect: Le Corbusier’s Voyage Re-Visited When Le C [more]

| Stephan Weiss Lecture Series: Cooperative Cities | Thursday, November 20, 2014 at 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm | The New School | Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Auditorium, Sheila C. Johnson Design Center | [more]

Lecture by Elke Krasny May 16, 2014 Matratze/ Matrize: Substanz und Reproduktion im Wohnen. Konzepte in Kunst und Architektur Gästehaus der Universität Bremen, Teerhof 58, 28199 Bremen, 15.–18. [more]

Symposium: Friday May 9 to Saturday May 10, 2014 Mind into Matter: Bodies and Responsive Space is a platform for the beginnings of an interdisciplinary exchange of critical scholarship and creative pr [more]

| Lecture and workshop by Elke Krasny | WORLD OF ART – School for curators and critics of contemporary art, Season 15, 1st Year | March 13 & 14, 2014 | SCCA Project room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana [more]