Maintenance as Resistance – Resistance as Maintenance, May 12, 2022
What can a solidary and needs-oriented living and working together look like from the perspective of care? How do we fight for the Care Revolution? May 12 is International Nurses Day. The lecture Maintenance as Resistance – Resistance as Maintenance was a contribution to Congress of Care – Kongress der Sorge. Ein Vernetzungstag für Arbeitskämpfe und feministische Initiativen anlässlich des Tages der Pflege am 12.5. With the Congress of Care, HAU opens its doors to feminist initiatives, current labor struggles in the field of care, and activists from urban society. For one day, HAU2 will become a place for the exchange of experiences: In workshops, table discussions and panel discussions, spaces of possibility for broad queerfeminist networking and solidarity will be created. After two years of the Corona pandemic and the successful labor struggle of the Berlin hospital movement, it is clear that there is no way back to so-called “normality.” The congress is a workshop to work out and discuss together feminist alternatives to a society based on competition and oriented towards profits. Neighbors, colleagues and friends are invited to join activists, feminist theorists and strikers from the Berlin hospital movement in a thought process.