Wo finden heute öffentliche Begegnungen und gesellschaftliche Auseinandersetzungen statt? Wie können die Räume von Theatern oder Museen porös werden, um neue Vorstellungen geteilter Räume in migr [more]
Yasmeen Lari. Architecture for the Future edited by Angelika Fitz, Elke Krasny, Marvi Mazhar and Architekturzentrum Wien MIT Press 2023 A rich exploration of the extraordinary life and work of celebra [more]
Curating with Care edited by Elke Krasny and Lara Perry London: Routledge 2023 This book presents over 20 authors’ reflections on ‘curating care’ – and presents a call to give curatorial atten [more]
Curating as Feminist Organizing edited by Elke Krasny and Lara Perry London: Routledge 2023 What makes curating feminist organizing? How do curators relate to contemporary feminist concerns in their l [more]
Elke Krasny Das moderne Museum als Anthropozän-Institution Für feministisches Kuratieren im Zeitalter des Massensterbens Trauerarbeit und Zukunftssorge: Für Feministisches Kuratieren im Zeitalter d [more]
Elke Krasny, Sophie Lingg, Lena Fritsch, Birgit Bosold and Vera Hofmann (eds.): Radicalizing Care. Feminist and Queer Activism in Curating, Sternberg Press/Publication Series of the Academy of Fine Ar [more]
Archive, Care and Conversation. Suzanne Lacy’s International Dinner Party in Feminist Curatorial Thought, Zurich: OnCurating, 2020. What happens when feminist activism turns art making into social p [more]
Edited by Angelika Fitz, Elke Krasny and Architekturzentrum Wien Published by The MIT Press How architecture and urbanism can help to care for and repair a broken planet: essays and ill [more]
Regina Bittner, Elke Krasny (eds.) 2016, 352 Pages Spector Books, (Edition Bauhaus) 978-3-95905-091-3 (ISBN) “How are we to live in a way that is healthy and economical?” This question was raised [more]
| Women’s:Museum. Curatorial Politics in Feminism, Education, History, and Art | Frauen:Museum. Politiken des Kuratorischen in Feminismus, Bildung, Geschichte und Kunst | Edited by | Herausgegeben [more]
Based on several years of international research, this book presents urban research on subsistence gardens and on urban gardens often developed bottom-up and informally in modernist urban development. [more]
Auf Basis von mehrjährigen internationalen Recherchen, stellt dieses Buch Stadtforschungen zu Subsistenzgärten und zu oft bottom-up und informell entwickelten urbanen Gärten in der Stadtentwicklung [more]
“Für einige ist sie der tägliche Beweis, dass Multikulti in einer Stadt funktionieren kann, für andere gilt sie als „gefährlich und trist – wo nur ,Jugo’ existiert“. So beschreiben Wiene [more]
Angela Heide und Elke Krasny; Aufbruch in die Nähe. Wien Lerchenfelder Straße // Other Places. Vienna Lerchenfelder Street Mikrogeschichten zwischen Lokalidentitäten und Globalisierung. Mit 12 Es [more]
Elke Krasny. Stadt und Frauen. Eine andere Topographie von Wien, Wien: Metro Verlag, 2008 Stadtforschung ist ein feministisches Anliegen. Stadtforschung kann zu neuen feministischen Forschungspraxen u [more]
Architecture plays a key role in this convergence of economic, climatic and social crisis. Construction is under scrutiny and questioned, while architects everywhere are seeking and experimenting with [more]
Elke Krasny, Maintenance and Visibility, Arch+ Contemporary Feminist Spatial Practices, 2023, 192-196 This text is intended as a contribution to the development of a critical theory of architectu [more]
Elke Krasny’s essay “Radicalizing Care. Feminist Futures for Living with an Infected Planet” was translated into Japanese by Yayo Okano on the occasion of the exhibition Thinking about Caring an [more]
Elke Krasny. ‘The Museum and the Anthropocene. Ecological Grief, Planetary Mourning, Healing Feminist Curating.’ 2023 The essay introduces the museum as a modern institution, through which we can [more]
For centuries, public space has been given special significance in the context of political ideas and collective imaginaries. Thus understood, the idea of public space speaks of a politics of appearan [more]
The word ‘care’ is becoming as present in the vocabulary of contemporary art and culture as has the word ‘curating’. While some may suspect this upward trend in use reflects mere fashionabilit [more]
Depictions of sexual violence are frequently found in the collections and displays of art museums, and material that represents and affirms violence against women often is displayed unchallenged. This [more]
Elke Krasny, “Scales of Concern. Feminist Spatial Practices.” In: Empowerment. Art and Feminisms, edited by Andreas Beitin, Katharina Koch, Uta Ruhsam, 2022 There is no space without concern. Ther [more]
Krasny, Elke. ‘Care Trouble. Thinking through gendered entanglements in architecture.’ In Women Architects and Politics. Intersections between Gender, Power Structures and Architecture in the Long [more]
Krasny, Elke. ‘Implicated in Care. Haunted by Protection. The Violence of Stone and Bronze Bodies.” 2022In Infrastructural Love: Caring for Our Architectural Support Systems, edited by Hélène Fr [more]
Krasny, Elke. ‘#Climate Feminism.’ How:// Do We Speak #Feminism?// New Global Challenges – A Glossary, FKW 70 (2022) Vanessa Nakate, an 18-year-old Ugandan climate justice activist who spoke [more]
Krasny, Elke. “Die Wohnfrage. Von den Maßstäben der Sorge.” Arch+ 54/244 (2021): 52-55 Wohnen ist für das menschliche Leben unerlässlich. Dabei bezeichnet das Verb „wohnen“ im engeren Wort [more]
Krasny, Elke. ‘Radicalizing Care: Feminist Futures for Living with an Infected Planet.’ In Radicalizing Care. Feminist and Queer Activism in Curating, edited by Elke Krasny, Sophie Lingg et al, 28 [more]
Krasny, Elke. ‘State of Anxiety: Hysterical Studies for Reproduction Struggles.’ In Hysterical Methodologies in the Arts. Rising in Revolt, edited by Johanna Braun, 127-147. Basingstoke: Palgrave [more]
Gaugele, Elke und Elke Krasny. ‘Von Figurationen der Verfolgung. Der Sklavenmarkt von Jean-Léon Gérôme (1886) im rechtsextremen Wahlkampf der AfD.’ In Rechte Angriffe – toxische Effekte. [more]
Krasny, Elke. ‘Architecture.’ In Connectedness. An Incomplete Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene, edited by Marianne Krogh, 52-55, Copenhagen: Strandberg Publishing, 2020. [more]
Krasny, Elke. ‘Architecture and Care.’ In Critical Care. Architecture and Urbanism for a Broken Planet, edited by Fitz, Angelika, Elke Krasny, and Architekturzentrum Wien, 33-43. Boston: MIT Press [more]
Krasny, Elke. ‘Divided We Share: On the Ethics and Politics of Public Space.’ In Shared Cities Atlas. Post-socialist Cities and Active Citizenship in Central and Eastern Europe, edited by Helena D [more]
Krasny, Elke. ‘Queering Yerevan: A Feminist Materialist Analysis.’ In Queering Visual Cultures, edited by Subashish Bhattacherjee, 15-41. Montreal: Universitas. [more]
The second half of the 1990s witnessed a conversational turn in curating. Ranging from small discussion circles to blockbuster- like marathons, conversations abounded in museums, art galleries and exh [more]
Krasny, Elke. ‘For Us Art is Work. In♀Akt – International Action Community of Women Artists.’ In All-Women Art Spaces in Europe in the long 1970s, edited by Agata Jakuba and Katy Deepwell, 96- [more]
Krasny, Elke. ‘Exposed: The Politics of Infrastructure in VALIE EXPORT’s Transparent Space.’ Third Text volume 31, 2017: 133-146. On 16 May 2001 the renowned feminist artist and occasional curat [more]
by Elke Krasny, published May 2016 in: On Curating / Issue 29, CURATING in feminist thought Download PDF [more]
by Elke Krasny, published October 2015 in: On Curating / Issue 26, Curating Degree Zero Archive: Curatorial Research Download PDF [more]
by Elke Krasny, published 25. September 2014 in “Common – Journal für Kunst & Öffentlichkeit” Nummer 04, 2014 – KUNST – STADT – NORMALITÄT Ästhetische Verfahren und die Produktio [more]
Demands on Education: Things, We’ve Learned … Written by Eva Egermann & Elke Krasny http://occupyeverything.org/ POSTED ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11TH, 2012 AT 1:32 PM. [more]