Curatorial Research and Theory

| Conference | Edinburgh College of Art Evolution House 
| 78 Westport, EH1 2LE

DAY ONE: Thursday 27th March

PANEL 1: Mid-20thC Europe  
Jo Applin (session keynote), Marking Time/Making Time
Giovanna Zapperi, Challenging Feminist Art History: Carla Lonzi’s Divergent Paths
Francesco Ventrella, The Temporalities of the ‘Feminaissance’

PANEL 2: US-UK Contexts
Hilary Robinson (session keynote) 
Andrew Hardman, Lee Krasner and the Pollock-Krasner Studio
Amy Tobin, A Group Show of Our Own: Collaboration and Exchange in Womanhouse (Los Angeles) and A Woman’s Place (London)
Becky Bivens, The V-Girls, 1989-1996

PANEL 3: Interdisciplinary Practices
Chair: Kuang (Vivian) Sheng
Suzanne van Rossenberg, Queer art is about creating the possibility to say no to the dominant hetero-normative economic and political structures of art. Or yes. But to at least write a story about it that replaces an older one.
Rachel Lyon, Empathetic Embodiment: A Response to the Proposals of Lygia Clark
Angela Dimitrakaki, Gender, ArtWork and the Global Imperative (Manchester of University Press, 2013)

DAY TWO: Friday 28th March

PANEL 4: Curating: Practice & Theory I
Katja Kobolt (session keynote), The Living Archive and facets of feminist curating
Ceren Ozpinar, The Art Historical Dynamics of Gender: An Exhibition of ‘Women Artists’
Victoria Horne, Spotlight: Tate

PANEL 5: Curating: Practice & Theory II
Lara Perry (session keynote), The Visibility of the Feminist Curator
Elke Krasny, Curator-as-Carer: Towards a Feminist Historiography of Curating
Georgiana Uhlyarik, Introducing Suzy Lake: The Self in the Age of Selfies


| Hosted by The Centre for City Ecology with Urbanspace Gallery | Curated by Elke Krasny | Urbanspace Gallery | 401 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Canada | Richmond and Spadina Exhibition | 01.09.2014 – 03.07.2014 Keynote  | Fri 02.28.2014 | URBANSPACE GALLERY Symposium | Sat 03.01.2014 | JOHN H DANIELS FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE, LANDSCAPE AND DESIGN


“The right to the city is like a shout and a demand”, wrote Henri Lefebvre in the 1960s. The exhibition “Hands-On Urbanism. How to Make A Difference” is devoted to a history of ideas of appropriating land in urban space and reveals potential for initiatives by citizens willing to take action in crisis situations. The presentation is based upon a critical history of ideas about the politics of space. Urban development from below leads to an informal and self-organized production of city, which, however never operates outside the system. Self-organization has always been both a reaction to and an incentive for urban planning. On the occasion of the exhibition, the symposium “Hands-On Urbanism.

How to Make a Difference” brings together activists, architects, artists and landscape planners. In times of crises, austerity measures, and increasing spatial and social injustice, new alignments have to be forged. This different history of urban transformation and the city raises pressing questions about the responsibility of architects and planners and about how we use resources.

The symposium is conceived of as both an exchange of ideas and case studies and a collaborative working towards the production knowledge. A keynote lecture by Elke Krasny on Friday, 02.28.2014, will give a historiographic overview on Hands-On Urbanism since the mid-19th century. Practitioners, architects, curators and community organizers, will share their work from a practical standpoint and talk about challenges they are currently facing which require them to think outside the box and to enter into new, and at times unexpected, alignments and collaborations.

A symposium will take place on Saturday, 03.01.2014. Participants include Adrian Blackwell [Waterloo], Anan Lololi [Afri-can FoodBasket, Toronto], Lucia Babina [Milan & Ibiza] and the community of Brant, Brigitte Shim [Toronto], Arturo Ortiz Struck [Mexico City], Elke Krasny [Vienna], Mark Poddubiuk [Montreal], and Aziza Chaouni [Toronto]. The first discussion will be dedicated to the issues of “The Right to Green”, the second discussion will focus on “Hands-On Strategies”. Curator: Elke Krasny Exhibition graphic design: Alexander Schuh

| Gespräch zur Kunst im öffentlichen Raum
| Donnerstag, 30. Jänner 2014, von 16 bis 22 Uhr
| im Kunstraum Niederoesterreich
| Herrengasse 13, 1014 Wien

Vorträge und Gespräche mit

Khan Adalat / Flüchtlingsaktivist, Refugees Protest Camp Vienna
Clifford Erinmwionghae / Flüchtlingsaktivist, Refugees Protest Camp Vienna
Rachel Garfield / Künstlerin und Autorin, London
Marissa Lôbo / Künstlerin und Aktivistin, Wien
Anne Elizabeth Moore / Herausgeberin und Künstlerin, Chicago
Gabi Ngcobo / Kuratorin und Künstlerin, Johannesburg
Pelin Tan /Autorin und Kuratorin, Mardin

Kuratiert und moderiert von Elke Krasny



| CONTESTING SPACE II | Architecture as a Social Practice
| MVU // Fakulta architektury VUT Brno // Lecture Series 2013/2014

| On Urban Curating | 07/01 2014 | 18:00
| Lecture by Elke Krasny



| Women’s:Museum. Curatorial Politics in Feminism, Education, History, and Art | Frauen:Museum. Politiken des Kuratorischen in Feminismus, Bildung, Geschichte und Kunst
| Edited by | Herausgegeben von | Elke Krasny + Frauenmuseum Meran

Initiating a dialogue between the network of women’s museums and feminist practices in curating, this volume gathers different perspectives from art historians, artists, curators, educators, historians, human rights activists, museum directors, researchers, scholars, and theorists. It juxtaposes essays, interviews, email dialogues, and excerpts from the transcripts of two symposia on Women:Museum hosted at the Vienna City Library and at the Meran Women’s Museum. Resulting in a contemporary transnational historiography, this compendium charts issues of feminist strategies in and out of the museum, and examines public engagement through curatorial activism.

Contributors | Mit Beiträgen von: Gudrun Ankele, Vida Bakondy, Barbara Blasin, Carla Bobadilla, Angela Dimitrakaki, Petja Dimitrova, Elisabeth von Dücker, False Hearted Fanny, Nicoletta Favout, Eva Geber, Li Gerhalter, Susanna Gyulamiryan, Daniela Hammer-Tugendhat, Amelia Jones, Elke Krasny, Rudolfine Lackner, Igor Markovic, Suzana Milevska, Lara Perry, Stefania Pitscheider Soraperra, Sigrid Richter, Dorothee Richter, Astrid Schönweger, Mansoureh Shojaee.

Introduction by Elke Krasny
Contents | Inhaltsverzeichnis


15,5 x 23,5 cm
Broschur, zahlr. Abbildungen
german/english | deutsch/englisch
332 pages | Seiten

Löcker Verlag Vienna, 2013

ISBN 978-3-85409-624-5

Eröffnungsvortrag von Elke Krasny 
Freitag, 04.10.2013, 19.30

plan 14 prolog – 03.–06.10.2013

Architektur im Kontext: Entwicklung urbaner Lebensräume
jenseits von Masterplan und Fassadendiskussion

Symposium mit Stadttour, Vorträgen, Präsentationen,
Dialogen und Debatten

DQE-Halle in Köln-Ehrenfeld
Heliosstraße 35-37, 50825 Köln

Download Programm als PDF


ECLAS Conference Hamburg 22-25/09/2013


Tuesday 23/09/2013, 09:00, ST. Katharinen Church
Keynote by Elke Krasny, Culture Theorist, Vienna, Austria



Self Made Urbanism Rome – intro
S.M.U.R. saloon #1 in der NGBK am Samstag, den 8. Juni 2013 // 20.30 Uhr
NGBK – Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst // Oranienstraße 25 // 10999 Berlin Continue reading…

Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig
08.06.2013 – 08.09.2013, GfZK-2
Opening 07.06.2013, 7 pm

curated by Elke Krasny

an exhibition of the Architekturzentrum Wien


The research-based exhibition is dedicated to the history of the idea of appropriating land in urban space.
Since the shockwave of modernisation that accompanied industrialisation towns and cities worldwide have had to face some very significant challenges. City-dwellers have always found a number of solutions in crisis situations, they are involved in bottom-up urban development. Self-build and selforganisation, settlements and fruit and vegetable gardening lead to other forms of collective cohesion, neighbourliness and fair distribution. Another world can be planted, as today’s community gardeners are clearly showing.


Following many years of international research, the curator Elke Krasny presents 19 historical and contemporary case studies of bottom-up urban development in Chicago, Leipzig, Vienna, Bremen, New York, Paris, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Porto Alegre, Havana or Quito. They provide an overview of informal, self-organised collective movements and of the spaces that are created by them. The exhibition shows how decisively small projects have often led, and are still leading, to major changes.


‘Hands-on Urbanism’ introduces an alternative urban history, one that poses urgent questions about the responsibility of design for architects and planners, and the resource-logic of towns and cities. What do architects do in this process, and what can be learned from the bottom-up in this urban history? Its role ranges from initiative via activism to conducting research. How are urban planning authorities reacting to these developments? The spectrum ranges from the founding of a settlement regulatory agency, via infrastructural measures and tolerance, to measures of support from the authorities, but also the introduction of new laws and legal sanctioning in official urban plans. 


Hands-on Urbanism 1850 – 2012. The Right to Green was initiated and curated by Elke Krasny forArchitekturzentrum Wien.

Exhibition graphic: Alexander Schuh
Scenography: Alexandra Maringer













\ LECTURES \ 21.05.2013 – 20:00 \ CIVA Auditorium, Brussels
\ Introduction by Christophe Pourtois

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