
Hands-On Urbanism. Le droit à l’espace vert
au Salon Laurette 1950 du Centre, Montréal
6 novembre 2014 au 11 janvier 2015

Conférence de Elke Krasny suivi par une table ronde sur l’appropriation de l’espace vert à Montréal
l’École de design de l’UQAM, 28 novembre à 14h00 (Espace diffusion, 3e étage, 1440 rue Sanguinet)

Lecture by Elke Krasny followed by a round table discussion on the appropriation of green space in Montreal
École de design UQAM, Friday, 28 November at 2pm (Espace diffusion, 1440 Sanguinet).

Vous êtes toujours bienvenue à voir exposition au Salon Laurette, (1950 rue du Centre à Pointe-St-Charles), ouvert au public vendredi 13h-20h et samedi/dimanche 13h-17h jusqu’au 11 janvier 2015. | You are also welcome to visit the exhibition ‘Hands-on Urbanism: Le droit à l’espace vert’ at Salon Laurette (1950 du Centre in Pointe-St-Charles), open to the public Fridays 1pm-8pm and Saturday/Sunday 1pm-5pm until 11 January 2015.


Hands-on / pratique, comportant des actions, basé sur la participation active
Urbanism / urbanisation; la culture et le mode de vie des occupants urbains

L’urbanisme pratique, l’urbanisme tangible, l’urbanisme ‹ bottom-up ›, et l’urbanisation irrégulière ne constituent pas l’exception à la règle – ce sont les forces motrices sous-tendant le développement urbain et souvent des changements de politiques urbaines. Depuis les débuts de l’industrialisation, d’abord en Europe et en Amérique du Nord et ensuite dans les pays de l’hémisphère Sud, jusqu’aux villes globales néolibérales d’aujourd’hui, définies par les promoteurs, l’histoire des processus de transformation urbaine se déroule telle une suite de situations critiques. Le jardinage, l’agriculture urbaine et l’occupation informelle témoignent de ces crises. Prenant racine à la base, ces pratiques auto-organisées et d’autoassistance constituent des vecteurs de changement dynamiques et inspirants.

Hands-on / practical, involving action, based on active participation
Urbanism / urbanization; the culture and way of life of urban dwellers

Hands-on urbanism, bottom-up urbanism, and irregular urbanization are not the exception to the rule – they are the driving forces behind the urban development and often behind changes in urban policy. From the onset of industrialization, first in Europe and North America and then in the global South, to today’s neoliberal, developer-driven global city, the history of urban transformation processes unfolds as a sequence of critical situations. Gardening and informal settling are indicative of these crises. Taking root from below, these self-organized, self-help practices are dynamic and inspiring agencies of change.

Commissaire / Curator : Elke Krasny
Graphisme / Graphic Design : Alexander Schuh
Traduction française / Translation to French : Marco Joubert

La version initiale de cette exposition a été présentée à l’Architekturzentrum Wien Az W en 2012 sous le titre Hands-On Urbanism 1850–2012. The Right to Green. L’exposition Hands-On Urbanism : The Right to Green a également été présentée à la Biennale d’Architecture de Venise. The original version of this exhibition was shown at the Architekturzentrum Wien Az W in 2012 under the title Hands-On Urbanism 1850–2012. The Right to Green. The exhibition was also presented at the 2012 Venice Architecture Biennale.

izložba | 13. – 23. listopada 2014.
Pogon Jedinstvo, Mala dvorana
Trnjanski nasip bb, Zagreb radno vrijeme | pon–sub od 17–20, nedelja 11–15

otvaranje izložbe | ponedjeljak 13. listopada u 20.00 sati
Predavanje, prezentacije i okrugli stol | utorak, 14. listopada 2014. u 19.00 sati (na engleskom jeziku)
Hands-On Urbanism. The Right to Green, predavanje Elke Krasny
1POSTOZAGRAD/1percentforthecity, prezentacija Saše Šimprage
Parkticipacija, prezentacija Antonije Komazlić
Moderatorica: Sonja Leboš, UIII


Hands-On Urbanism. The Right to Green istražuje urbano vrtlarstvo i agrikulturu kroz optiku specifičnih povijesnih konstelacija, migracijskih dinamika i prostornih politika. Kustosica izložbe je kulturna teoretičarka Elke Krasny, a izložba je inicijalno oblikovana 2012. god. za Arhitektonski centar u Beču. Na poziv Davida Chipperfielda predstavljena je iste godine i na Bijenalu arhitekture u Veneciji. Izložba kritički razotkriva slojevitu povijest koju su ispisale građanske inicijative nastojeći prebroditi urbanu krizu, pružiti otpor ekonomskim pritiscima i oblikovati zajednice građana. Ovi bottom-up pokreti i samoorganizirane prakse, često u suradnji s arhitektima/cama ili umjetnicima/cama, poticajni su činovi urbanih promjena. Sudbina prazne parcele zacrtana je sjemenjem.

Hands-On Urbanism. Pravo na zeleno
Kustosica: Elke Krasny
Grafičko oblikovanje: Alexander Schuh

Izložba Hands-On Urbanism. The Right to Green organizirana je u Zagrebu u partnerstvu s Udrugom za interdisciplinarna i interkulturalna istraživanja i Zagrebačkim centrom za nezavisnu kulturu i mlade POGON. Podrška: Austrijski kulturni forum Zagreb, Ministarstvo kulture RH Foto: Shu-Mei Huang Austrijski kulturni forum, Zagreb Ministarstvo kulture RH Hands-On Urbanism. The Right to Green is realised in partnership with UIII Association for Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Research and Pogon with support from Österreichisches Kulturforum Zagreb/Austrian Cultural Forum Zagreb and the Republic of Croatia Ministry of Culture.

Radiobeitrag zur Ausstellung von “Glas Hrvatske / Kroatien heute – Magazin” des Kroatischen Rundfunks, 19.10.2014″ in deutscher Sprache





Praktični urbanizem. Pravica do zelenega
Hands-On Urbanism. The Right to Green
kustosinja: Elke Krasny
8.–22. september 2014, galerija Dessa, Židovska steza 4, Ljubljana

Pridružite se nam na otvoritvi razstave kustosinje Elke Krasny, ki bo v ponedeljek, 8. septembra 2014 ob 20.00 v galeriji DESSA. Obenem vas vabimo na predavanje Elke Krasny, ki bo v torek, 9. septembra 2014 ob 18.00 na mirujočem gradbišču na Masarykovi cesti, med Resljevo in Kotnikovo ulico, v Ljubljani.


Organizacija: Kud Obrat in galerija Dessa

Partner: Inštitut za politike prostora
Razstavo so podprli: Ministrstvo za kulturo, Mestna občina Ljubljana in Avstrijski kulturni forum


14. Juni bis 7. September 2014 

Temporäres Museum und Landschaftslesekreis von Elke Krasny

Im „Museum Berggate 69“ und an Standorten, die die Nachbarschaft konstituieren, eröffnet Elke Krasny das temporäre Museum Aus der Landschaft der Eigenständigkeit. Die Installationen im Außenraum und die Ausstellung im Innenraum beruht auf Fundstücken, die aus der künstlerischen Feldforschung an der A40 in Bochum-Hamme resultieren.

Elke Krasny, A40, Fotografie aus der Serie Aus der Landschaft der Eigenständigkeit


Eröffnung, 14. Juni

6. Juli, 14.30-16.30
Der Vortragsspaziergang verbindet Orte einer Nachbarschaft, die sich durch außergewöhnliche Konstellationen auszeichnet: von der Autobahnkirche über den Schlachthof vorbei an der Galerie in der Allan Kaprow arbeitete, zu den Kleingärten und dem Gebrauchtreifenhandel. 
Treffpunkt: Berggate 69, 44809 Bochum

6. Juli 2014, 9.30–13.00

Der Landschaftslesekreis mit Elke Krasny, Angelika Fitz und Meike Schalk diskutiert Ausschnitte von Texten von John Brinckerhoff Jackson zu vernakulärer Landschaft, von Maria Mies zu Subsistenz und von Marge Piercy zu feministischen Utopien. Er beginnt mit einem Screening des halbstündigen Videos „Die Subsistenzperspektive“ von Oliver Ressler. Dieses Interview mit Maria Mies aus dem Jahr 2007 entstand für sein Ausstellungsprojekt „Alternative Economics, Alternative Societies“. Anmeldung erforderlich unter: info@urbanekuensteruhr.de 
Die Texte für den Lesekreis werden auf Anfrage zur Vorbereitung zugesandt.
Ort: Berggate 69, 44809 Bochum

Teil der Markus Ambach Projekte

B1|A40 Programmübersicht

STANDORTE, Elke Krasny, Aus der Landschaft der Eigenständigkeit





Article in CANADIAN ARCHITECT June 2, 2014

“Hands-On Urbanism explores urban gardening through the lens of informal settlements and the politics of space. Curated for the Architecture Centre Vienna and shown at the 2012 Venice Architecture Biennale, cultural theorist Elke Krasny critically unveils a history of citizen-led acts leading to collective community ambition, responding to urban and economic pressures.

Connecting the exhibition to Calgary is a discussion exploring the opportunity of a vacant lot. On fertile ground, Calgary’s Vacant Lots Garden Club was founded in 1911 on the premise of collective community good. Started informally, managed collectively, there were over 3,200 private and municipally owned lots under the Club’s domain at its peak. What’s the value of community? And at what price is opportunity?

Design Talks Institute (d.talks) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to fostering conversation about design and the built environment. The aim is to broaden public awareness for design and to promote conversation on design and greater liveability in Calgary. (…)” Read full article



Hands-on Urbanism – Vom Recht auf Grün wird von der Heinrich Böll Stiftung im Rahmen von Stadt ist Zukunft in Bremen gezeigt.

Seit der Industrialisierung des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zur aktuellen Neoliberalisierung zeichnet sich die Entwicklung von Stadt durch eine Abfolge von Krisen aus. Die von Elke Krasny kuratierte Ausstellung zeigt historische und gegenwärtige Formen von Selbstorganisation, Selbstbau und gärtnerische Praxen. Hands-On Urbanism wurde 2012 im Architekturzentrum Wien und auf der Architekturbiennale in Venedig gezeigt.

Eröffnung mit Kuratorin Elke Krasny am 14. Mai 2014 um 20 Uhr
Ort: Galerie Plantage 13, Eingang 26, Bremen-Findorff, Deutschland

Stadt ist Zukunft Veranstaltungsprogramm



| Hosted by The Centre for City Ecology with Urbanspace Gallery | Curated by Elke Krasny | Urbanspace Gallery | 401 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Canada | Richmond and Spadina www.urbanspacegallery.ca Exhibition | 01.09.2014 – 03.07.2014 Keynote  | Fri 02.28.2014 | URBANSPACE GALLERY Symposium | Sat 03.01.2014 | JOHN H DANIELS FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE, LANDSCAPE AND DESIGN


“The right to the city is like a shout and a demand”, wrote Henri Lefebvre in the 1960s. The exhibition “Hands-On Urbanism. How to Make A Difference” is devoted to a history of ideas of appropriating land in urban space and reveals potential for initiatives by citizens willing to take action in crisis situations. The presentation is based upon a critical history of ideas about the politics of space. Urban development from below leads to an informal and self-organized production of city, which, however never operates outside the system. Self-organization has always been both a reaction to and an incentive for urban planning. On the occasion of the exhibition, the symposium “Hands-On Urbanism.

How to Make a Difference” brings together activists, architects, artists and landscape planners. In times of crises, austerity measures, and increasing spatial and social injustice, new alignments have to be forged. This different history of urban transformation and the city raises pressing questions about the responsibility of architects and planners and about how we use resources.

The symposium is conceived of as both an exchange of ideas and case studies and a collaborative working towards the production knowledge. A keynote lecture by Elke Krasny on Friday, 02.28.2014, will give a historiographic overview on Hands-On Urbanism since the mid-19th century. Practitioners, architects, curators and community organizers, will share their work from a practical standpoint and talk about challenges they are currently facing which require them to think outside the box and to enter into new, and at times unexpected, alignments and collaborations.

A symposium will take place on Saturday, 03.01.2014. Participants include Adrian Blackwell [Waterloo], Anan Lololi [Afri-can FoodBasket, Toronto], Lucia Babina [Milan & Ibiza] and the community of Brant, Brigitte Shim [Toronto], Arturo Ortiz Struck [Mexico City], Elke Krasny [Vienna], Mark Poddubiuk [Montreal], and Aziza Chaouni [Toronto]. The first discussion will be dedicated to the issues of “The Right to Green”, the second discussion will focus on “Hands-On Strategies”. Curator: Elke Krasny Exhibition graphic design: Alexander Schuh

Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig
08.06.2013 – 08.09.2013, GfZK-2
Opening 07.06.2013, 7 pm

curated by Elke Krasny

an exhibition of the Architekturzentrum Wien


The research-based exhibition is dedicated to the history of the idea of appropriating land in urban space.
Since the shockwave of modernisation that accompanied industrialisation towns and cities worldwide have had to face some very significant challenges. City-dwellers have always found a number of solutions in crisis situations, they are involved in bottom-up urban development. Self-build and selforganisation, settlements and fruit and vegetable gardening lead to other forms of collective cohesion, neighbourliness and fair distribution. Another world can be planted, as today’s community gardeners are clearly showing.


Following many years of international research, the curator Elke Krasny presents 19 historical and contemporary case studies of bottom-up urban development in Chicago, Leipzig, Vienna, Bremen, New York, Paris, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Porto Alegre, Havana or Quito. They provide an overview of informal, self-organised collective movements and of the spaces that are created by them. The exhibition shows how decisively small projects have often led, and are still leading, to major changes.


‘Hands-on Urbanism’ introduces an alternative urban history, one that poses urgent questions about the responsibility of design for architects and planners, and the resource-logic of towns and cities. What do architects do in this process, and what can be learned from the bottom-up in this urban history? Its role ranges from initiative via activism to conducting research. How are urban planning authorities reacting to these developments? The spectrum ranges from the founding of a settlement regulatory agency, via infrastructural measures and tolerance, to measures of support from the authorities, but also the introduction of new laws and legal sanctioning in official urban plans. 


Hands-on Urbanism 1850 – 2012. The Right to Green was initiated and curated by Elke Krasny forArchitekturzentrum Wien.

Exhibition graphic: Alexander Schuh
Scenography: Alexandra Maringer













 \\ Urban Gardening
\\ Kongress \ 1.–2. Juni 2013, 9.00 
\\ Hands-on Urbansim 1850-2012 – Vom Recht auf Grün
\\ Ausstellung
//botanika – Das Grüne Science Center im Rhododendron-Park, Deliusweg 40, 28359 Bremen

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The exhibition Hands on Urbanism presents a series of contemporay and historical examples of ways in which cities worldwide have been dealing with landscapes in urban space.

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