The exhibition Hands on Urbanism presents a series of contemporay and historical examples of ways in which cities worldwide have been dealing with landscapes in urban space.
The exhibition focuses on spaces created by autonomous, collective and non-formalized organizations in cities like Chigago, Vienna, New York, Paris, Hong Kong and Istanbul.
On show at the Aarhus School of Architecture the exhibition has been supplemented with a selection of local green urban space projects in collaboration with AND – Architecture + New Technology + Design.
Open \ Mo-Tu-We 10am-3pm \ Th May 23rd & 30th open 10am-7pm \ Fr 10am-2pm \ Su May 19th; 26th & July 2nd open 10am-3pm \ Closed Mo May 20th & all Sa

Becky Au, initiator of the Ma Po Po Community Farm in Ma Shi Po Village, at work at her lap top. The tent serves as collective space for assemblies, bread baking workshops and friendly neighborly gatherings. Ma Po Po Farm, based on the principles of permaculture, still manages to resist the increasing pressure of the developer. Photo: Elke Krasny, 2011