Contributing a lecture to the keynote panel of the gathering on pedagogies of disarmament at TU Braunschweig, September 12, 

A gathering about climate and politics, architecture and ethics, academia and activism, networks and futures, models and utopias, being critical and being naive, transformations and resistance, rebellion and hope.With Jeanne Astrup-Chauvaux, Markus Bader, Henriette Bertram, Camillo Boano, Cristina Cerulli, Burcu Daglayan, Simone De Iacobis, Suryagayathri Devi, Paula Erstmann, Manuel Falkenhahn, Lukas Feireiss, Rui Ferreira Do Santos, Kim Förster, Jan Gerits, Sabine Hansmann, Gabu Heindl, Beata Hemer, Jan-Holger Hennies, Arne Herbote, Jule Hillgärtner, Noor Khader, Valentina Karga, Florian Kossak, Elke Krasny, Bernadette Krejs, Franca Lopez Barbera, Diana Lucas-Drogan, María Mazzanti, Louise Nguyen, Hanna Noller, Ayscha Omar, Jasmine Parsley, Ben Pohl, Anthony Powis, Sebastian Quack, Anna Richter, Lara Roth, Rui Santos, Lisa Schwochow, Christina Serifi, Sumugan Sivanesan, Ulrike Steven, Yue Sun, Ayat Tarik, Jeremy Till, Renée Tribble, Henrike Wenzel.


Architecture plays a key role in this convergence of economic, climatic and social crisis. Construction is under scrutiny and questioned, while architects everywhere are seeking and experimenting with new ways of making architecture to thwart the prognosis. What is architecture in a catastrophic world? How can we be architects in a world that is falling apart? 

Le musée du séisme 921 de Taïwan 921 地震教育園區 par Wenwen Cai • Vivre avec une planète blessée : sensibiliser aux infrastructures par Elke Krasny • Chaosmose par Hélène Guenin • Seveso, la catastrophe vaporiséepar Josselin Vamour • Vivre dans l’accident intégral par Jean Richer • Une maison en A dans le Berry par Guillaume Aubry • Droits miniers par Lara Almarcegui



Contributing a keynote lecture to the conference: LEARNINGS/UNLEARNINGS: ENVIRONMENTAL PEDAGOGIES, PLAY, POLICIES, AND SPATIAL DESIGN, on September 7, 2024

With Keynote addresses by Nicola Antaki, Anna Keune, Elke Krasny, MYCKET, Ashraf Salama, and Henrika L.M. Ylirisku; Färgfabriken, Liljeholmen/Stockholm, 5-7 September 2024.

The pedagogy of cruelty, which Rita Segato speaks of in order to analyze modern colonial patriarchy, uses the regime of capital to transform care into a source of cheap labor and the planet into a resource of cheap nature. This pedagogy of cruelty is central to capitalist warfare. The exhaustion of care and the depletion of nature are effects of this cruelty. Even though there is today growing awareness of the critical condition of the planet the pedagogy of cruelty continues to wage war on care and war on nature on nature. Exhaustion and depletion are planetary wounds in need of care and healing.A feminist analysis of this cruel pedagogy of patriarchy raises the question of what learning with care can do in order to imagine being with a wounded planet otherwise. Being with beings who are wounded requires to understand their condition and to learn what it means to care. Care therefore is in and of itself an ongoing process of learning, unlearning, relearning. This lecture focuses on recent feminist practices in architecture, the arts, curating, and urbanism that are bringing into existence ways of being with a wounded planet. The ways in which these practices resist the death-making pedagogy of cruelty and insist on the liveliness of life-making despite of it all inspires hope for learning with care in order to be with a wounded planet otherwise.


Wo finden heute öffentliche Begegnungen und gesellschaftliche Auseinandersetzungen statt? Wie können die Räume von Theatern oder Museen porös werden, um neue Vorstellungen geteilter Räume in migrantischen und diasporischen Stadtgesellschaften zu erproben? Stadttheater, städtische Museen und Kunst im öffentlichen Raum sind mehr denn je herausgefordert, Öffentlichkeiten als demokratisches Gut herzustellen, ihre Relevanz für Stadtgesellschaften unter Beweis zu stellen und ihre Ressourcen zu teilen. Institutionen sind damit befasst, ihre infrastrukturellen Verpflichtungen und öffentlichen gesellschaftlichen Aufgaben zu reflektieren und zu verändern. Selbstorganisierte Initiativen, auch in Kollaboration mit Institutionen, leisten Wesentliches für das Porös-Werden und erzeugen durch kulturelle und künstlerische Arbeiten neue Vorstellungen geteilter öffentlicher Räume. Dieses Buch versammelt Beiträge von Dramaturg*innen, Kurator*innen und Wissenschaftler*innen, die neue Praxen geteilter Räume, performativen Kuratierens und urbaner Dramaturgien vorstellen und theoretisch reflektieren.

Dieser Band ist auch kostenlos als PDF-Datei im Rahmen der Open-Access-Lizenz CC-BY-NC-ND erhältlich: Download hier.

The social fabric of existence is woven by care. But how is care actually being cared for? And who cares for care, politically, socially, epistemically? How is care understood as knowledge? And how does knowing our relations to the world change if knowing starts from the relations of care? In the name of care, nation states have promoted the colonial supremacist project of patriarchy. In the name of freedom, so-called second wave feminism identified caring labors as burden hindering women’s creativity, intellectual productivity, and economic mobility. Tracing how modern ontologies of gender were linked to mammalian epistemologies and their political economy of care essentialism this lecture asks what it would take to free care from the patriarchal violence of domination and extraction. This lecture asks if we can learn to imagine care otherwise and looks at activism, art, and theory providing hope, resistance, and endurance to collectively imagine and practice the freedom to care.

The 2023 Architecture Humanities Research Conference, AHRA, is dedicated to: Situated Ecologies of Care.
Elke Krasny’s keynote lecture “Living with a wounded planet. On building care” will address how historical acts of care violence and structural carelessness of capitalist-colonial-patriarchal regimes of modernity and their spatialization through architecture and the built environment have wounded the planet. Today, humans and all other living beings inhabit the air and the water and the earth and the infrastructures and the buildings and the technologies of a deeply wounded planet. At the same time, the lecture will address that architecture as a primary form of care has not only defined the spatialization of care and reproductive labors according to patriarchal-colonial-capitalist logics, but also has the potential to create and provide an emancipatory and transformative care praxis. Introducing the notion of scales of care, the lecture examines how scales of care can be understood through feminist epistemologies-as-embodied practices and thus become scales of concern, curiosity, cure, and worry that have to be brought into the reproductive, regenerative, and restorative capacities of architecture for everyday lived lives and for beginning to heal a deeply wounded planet, we are part of.

Information on the AHRA conference can be found here:

Urban change throughout the 1980s and 1990s was marked by processes of deindustrialization. Cities, and entire regions, suffered a decline in productive industrial activity. As factories or plants closed down, a new type of architecture moved in with style. Urban regeneration was premised on the promise of the icon or the landmark. Ranging from corporate headquarters to museums, universities to football stadiums, opera houses to convention centres, markets to airports, architecture served the global economy by promoting iconic experiences. How is such experience produced, and, most importantly, how is it reproduced on the daily level? This lecture examines such iconic moves in architecture as they complexly interconnect urban regeneration and daily reproduction. Looking at the effective and affective dimensions of such iconic moves of architecture under neoliberal capitalism, we raise the questions what urban regeneration means and how it is maintained through reproduction. Focusing on the material dimension of architecture, the economy of production and the economy of reproduction are considered as equally relevant.

Iconic Moves: Regeneration + Reproduction
Elke Krasny


How can we imagine architecture and building in order to learn to live with a wounded planet and to recover from patriarchal colonial capitalist violence?

On the heels of their recent collaboration, Architecture for the Future (MIT, 2023), Yasmeen Lari and Elke Krasny will reflect on the many responsibilities of those working within the built environment, the need to recognize new and pluralistic forms of spatial practice, and how to address the interconnectedness of socio-ecological crisis at the planetary scale.


The lecture on Critical Care. Architecture for a Broken Planet will contribute to the panel Arquitectura para la vida colectiva.ProgramRe-Imaginar el Futuro Feminista — Una discusión transdisciplinaria acerca del futuro de los cuidados y políticas del tiempo, violencias, derechos sexuales y reproductivos, y la feminización de la política. 
