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Feminist Night Scapes, Online, March 8, 2022

Feminist Night Scapes is a series of feminist walks curated, hosted, and performed by Elke Krasny, Sophie Ling, and Claudia Lomoschitz Feminist Night Scapes practices to take back the night together. Feminist Night Scapes is a feminist gathering, a space and time to honor conviviality and joy and to commemorate patriarchal urban violence and infrastructural neglect. Feminist Night Scapes is a walking symposium, a collective research process and a public manifestation. Feminist Night Scapes is feminist and queer feminist consciousness raising in action and gives rise to emancipatory urban imaginaries and urban futures. 

In feminist cities, WLINTA* (women, lesbians, inter, non-binary, trans, agender) groups roam the night. They enjoy places, share space, sing revolutionary songs, perform scores, stroll through the streets, and support each other.

March 8, International Women’s Day, invites us to imagine and demand non-sexist and peaceful cities. What would such feminist cities feel like? What kinds of infrastructures will they provide for their human and non-human inhabitants? What kinds of care-full environments will they offer? How have feminists used urban infrastructures for carving out different lives? How are boulevards and squares turned into infrastructures useful to marches, assemblies, and protests? How can we remember and honor those who built and fought for different infrastructures, access, justice, and caring cities.

Manifestos, reflections, pamphlets, songs, and scores will compose the virtual collective nightwalk with contributions from Justine Bell in Copenhagen, Maddalena Fragnito and Zoe Romano in Milano, Angela Dimitrakaki in Edinburgh , Sylvia Sadzinski (Berlin), Lucy Delap in Cambridge, Nina Prader in Berlin, Lara Perry in Brighton, Héléne Frichot (Melbourne), Małgorzata Markiewicz (Krakow), Elke Krasny & Sophie Lingg & Claudia Lomoschitz (Vienna), Mara Sánchez Llorens & Sálvora Feliz Ricoy (Madrid), Matilde Igual Capdevila (Valencia), Natalia Avlona ( Copenhagen ), Tara McDowell (Melbourne), Mascha Fehse & Licia Soldavini (Berlin), Zaida Muxi (Barcelona), Kirsten Lloyd (Edinburgh), Marvi Mazhar in Karachi and others.