Iconic Moves. Regeneration + Reproduction, Ljubljana, September 26, 2019
Elke Krasny, Iconic Moves. Regeneration + Reproduction. Lecture at the International Symposium On Power in Architecture, Ljubljana, September 26, 2019
The programme is organized by Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory in collaboration with Mateja Kurir and is supported by MAO, Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana, and ERSTE Foundation.
Urban change throughout the 1980s and 1990s was marked by processes of deindustrialization. Cities, and entire regions, suffered a decline in productive industrial activity. As factories or plants closed down, a new type of architecture moved in with style. Urban regeneration was premised on the promise of the icon or the landmark. Ranging from corporate headquarters to museums, universities to football stadiums, opera houses to convention centres, markets to airports, architecture served the global economy by promoting iconic experiences. How is such experience produced, and, most importantly, how is it reproduced on the daily level? This lecture examines such iconic moves in architecture as they complexly interconnect urban regeneration and daily reproduction. Looking at the effective and affective dimensions of such iconic moves of architecture under neoliberal capitalism, we raise the questions what urban regeneration means and how it is maintained through reproduction. Focusing on the material dimension of architecture, the economy of production and the economy of reproduction are considered as equally relevant.