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Movements in Feminism / Feminisms in Movement: Urgencies, Emergencies, Promises

Symposium, November 30–December 02, 2018
Belvedere 21, Arsenalstraße 1, 1030 Vienna, Austria

Since 2017 women are marching again. Their activism is taking them to the streets, to speaking out, to giving testimony, to blogging, to connecting transnationally via social media. The f-word stirs heated discussions in mainstream media. #MeToo has spurred action on sexual violence. We may well be witnessing the emergence of a new feminist movement. This is owed to rising misogyny, queerphobia, transphobia, racism, xenophobia, exploitative labour conditions, a crisis in reproduction, and a new order of gender politics linked to the rise of the global right. Time to reconsider feminisms in plural and their histories, including those of art making and curating, as they relate to past revolutions, in particular the 1968 year of revolt and protests. Movements in Feminism / Feminisms in Movement: Urgencies, Emergencies, Promises connects current developments in feminist art practice, curating, and cultural production to larger societal and political trends just as much as to translocal, transhistorical, and global matters of feminist concern. Key are feminist politics as they are committed to antiracist, anti-capitalist, and decolonizing struggles. Movements in Feminism / Feminisms in Movement: Urgencies, Emergencies, Promises takes place in the framework of Joint Ventures. A public program on the relevance of 1968 in the present day at Belvedere 21 and includes two screening programs and a two-day event of lectures, workshops, conversations, collective writing, and networking activities. 
Curated by Elke Krasny, Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and Luisa Ziaja, Curator for Contemporary Art at Belvedere, Vienna; together with Lara Perry, School of Humanities, University of Brighton and Dorothee Richter, Director of PhD in Practice in Curating at the ZHdK / University of Reading and Head of MAS in Curating at Zurich University of the Arts Screening program curated by Claudia Slanar, Curator Blickle Cinema and Blickle Video Archive at Belvedere 21. 

A collaboration between the Program Art and Education at the Institute for Education in the Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and Belvedere 21. Supported by Municipal Department 57 – Vienna Women’s Affairs (MA 57)

All lectures and talks in English.
Tea, coffee, water, fruits and food during breaks. 
Free entry. 

Due to limited seating we kindly ask for registration.

Wednesday, 28 November 2018 | 6.30 to 9 pm

Ashley Hans Scheirl, Dandy Dust, AT/UK 1998, 94 min., English OV with German subtitles
Followed by a conversation between Ashley Hans Scheirl and Claudia Slanar

Friday, 30 November 2018 | 2 to 9.30 pm

2-2.30 pm Welcome and introduction 
Stella Rollig (General Director of the Belvedere and Belvedere 21)
Andrea B. Braidt (Vice Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna)
Movements in Feminism / Feminisms in Movement: Urgencies, Emergencies, Promises
Luisa Ziaja, Elke Krasny, Lara Perry and Dorothee Richter

2.30-3.30 Lecture
Daniela Hammer-Tugendhat, Lucretia Revisited. On Rape
Moderated by Luisa Ziaja

4-5 pm Performance Lecture
Neda Hosseinyar, Marissa Lôbo, Stephanie Misa, Catrin Seefranz, Unruly Thinking: A Performance Lecture
Moderated by Elke Krasny 

5.30-7 pm Lectures
Magda Lipska, NIEPODLEGŁE: Women, Independence and National Discourse. Or how Women Are Depicted in National Narratives?
Elke Krasny, Feminist Transnationalism: The Activist as Curator
Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez, Intersectionality and Transnational Feminism in Françoise Dasques’ Documentary La Conférence des femmes—Nairobi (1985)
Moderated by Lara Perry 

8-9.30 pm Lecture
Françoise Vergès, The Black Woman’s Womb. Care, Capital, Race, Feminism
Moderated by Elke Krasny

Saturday, 1 December 2018 | 10.30 am to 8 pm

11 am-1 pm Workshop
Public Feminisms Forum. Collectively: Thinking, Speaking, Writing
With Anschläge (Lea Susemichel), AUF (Eva Geber, Marietta Schneider), Ona B., Bliss (Marlene Bürgerkurator Engel), Johanna Braun, Frauenhetz (Birge Krondorfer), Lena Fritsch, Intakt (Stella Bach, Julia Bugram, Susanne Kompast), Kunst und Kind (Vasilena Gankovska, Hansel Sato), Sophie Lingg, Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky Raum (Christine Zwingl), MenstruationsNetzwerk (Valentina Mitterer), Migrationsskizzen (Carla Bobadilla), Miss Balthazar’s Laboratory (Lale Rodgarkia-Dara, Stephanie Wuschitz), ÖGGF (Romana Hagyo), Iver Ohm, RitClique (Erica Fischer), Salon Talk (Dudu Kücükgöl, Anna Mendelssohn), Juliane Saupe, Basak Senova, Sorority (Sandra Nigischer, Martina Schlöggl), Melinda Tamas, VBKÖ (Stephanie Misa, Ruby Sircar), Wienwoche (Nataša Mackuljak, Ivana Marjanovic), (Maren Blume, Magdalena Fischer, Franziska Kabisch, Sophie Utikal).
The workshop is based on texts written by all the contributors. Workshop run by Elke Krasny and Claudia Lomoschitz. 

2-3.30 pm Lectures
Birgit Bosold / Vera Hofmann, Concerted Actions: Women*s Year at Schwules Museum Berlin 2018
Katharina Koch, Revolt She Said. Perspectives and Questions on Feminist Art Curating and Anti-Hegemonic Production of His/Herstories
Moderated by Dorothee Richter

4-5 pm Lectures
Lara Perry, Viewing Women’s Work in the Art Museum
Dorothee Richter, Artistic and Curatorial Turns, Care and Accelerated Capitalism. From the Sixties to Contemporary Practices in Feminist Perspectives. A Tour de Force
Moderated by Elke Krasny

5.15-6.15 pm Lectures
Noit Banai, Biopolitical Regimes of Feminism: 1938 – 1968 – 2018
Övül Ö. Durmusoglu, Who is a Revolutionary?
Moderated by Luisa Ziaja

6.30-8 pm Workshop
Neda Hosseinyar, Marissa Lôbo, Stephanie Misa, Catrin Seefranz, Contagious Ideas: A Night School Workshop

Sunday, 2 December 2018 | 2 to 4 pm

2-3 pm Reflecting Movements in Feminism/Feminisms in Movement. A Collective Conversation

3-4 pm Screening
Françoise Dasques, La Conférence des Femmes – Nairobi 1985, F 1985, 60 min., English and French OV partly with Engl. subtitles


Part of the public program on the relevance of 1968 in the present day organized by Belvedere 21

1968 brings to mind social change, insurrection, and liberation, an eventful period of worldwide protests, dismantling authoritarian structures, and creating alternative social models. The public program Joint Ventures, takes place over seven weekends between May and December and will examine how things stand today with regard to the socio-political achievements and demands of the movements of 1968.


Supported by Municipal Department 57 – Vienna Women’s Affairs (MA 57)
